Serve the City is a global movement of volunteers showing kindness in personal ways to people in need. We partner with homeless shelters, refugee centers, orphanages, and other associations, offering help and support.

STC Values: Hope

By Austin Silva Mota Despair is the easiest thing to feel when we look at the world around us: war, famine, wild weather, violations of every kind of freedom. As we serve in our own cities—even [...]

STC Values: Courage

by Jay Benfante When you think of what it means to be courageous certain stories may come to your mind: Stories of great warriors in battle or superhuman heroes fighting against the odds to save [...]


Written by Peter DeWit What on earth were we doing here? Have you heard of this place? I tried getting my bearings as I walked the wet potholed streets on an iron-gray evening to find our meeting [...]

Kindness Starts With Me!


  • It was challenging but it was amazing to serve people and learn from them. It is an experience that shapes you and one that you will never forget. You carry these people in your hearts.

    Edwina Brussels
  • Serve The City facilitated that basic human need of mine: to help others. Scratching that itch feels good.

    Omar Dublin
  • Anyone who thinks one person cannot make a difference will see that one person makes all the difference when you are with Serve the City. It is changing the world one person at a time! Don't miss the opportunity to experience it.

    Kristen Amsterdam
  • To have the opportunity to serve the city I live in and its people is simply wonderful!

    Lorraine Dublin
  • My view of the people in Amsterdam changes as I do volunteer work and connect with other people.

    Brigitte Amsterdam
  • It's amazing how healing human touch can be, sitting eye to eye, communicating in halting French and broken English.

    Diana Brussels
  • The more I engaged on an individual level, the more I grew to love hearing their stories and jokes, and the more I realized that people are no less human and in need of interaction simply because of their age.

    Ryan Brussels
  • Our organisation is starting a campaign on poverty, therefore we thought it important that our team-building activity is related to this issue and gives us very practical insight into the needs of the local community. Serve the City could not have chosen a more suitable project for us, thank you!

    Kristine Jansone Ecumenical Youth Council in Europe

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