International Forum Is Almost Here!
Invitations have gone out and plans for the best forum yet are in the works. If you are planning to attend, please register ASAP! If you didn’t receive an invitation and need more information, please contact us. Hope to see you in Leuven in November!
International 10 Day Photo Challenge
City Leaders, watch your mailboxes for details on an exciting social media photo challenge being launched this month. We’re hoping to see all of our cities represented in photographs at the Forum next month, so get those camera phones ready to have some fun!
Serving People with Autism in Luxembourg
‘Fondation Autisme Luxembourg’ (FAL) is a charity with a multidisciplinary team of professionals who offer support, diagnosis and education to people with Autism and their families. They also offer residential accommodation to those with acute conditions, day-care, summer activities, holiday camps and leisure trips. They are so busy they often need volunteers to become an ‘accompanying person’ to help autistic people enjoy the very best of Luxembourg life.
Serve the City are proud to be working with Fondation Autisme, finding people who can offer their spare time to help at different events. See more at the Serve the City Luxembourg website.
3rd Annual Serve the City Festival in Berlin
STC Berlin is having their 3rd annual Serve the City Festival this weekend: a 2 day event of serving the beautiful city of Berlin. For a glimpse of what went on at last year’s festival, check out this great video!