On Monday May the 27th we had our second MasterClass of MasterClass May about the Refugee Camp Moria in Lesbos, Greece. Nicole Caroll – who is our Social Concern Champion on this topic – shared her experiences and knowledge from helping refugees that have been arriving on the Greek islands for the last four years. She spoke about the cultural context of Greece and their attitude towards the refugees and how this is not only the local responsibility of Greece, but has to be seen a worldwide issue. The global refugee crisis is the reality of today.
In the camp, there’s a lot of insecurity, unsafety, overcrowding and a lack of facilities and hygiene. Kids are not provided with education and many of them become depressed at a way too young age. Women are unsafe and under the high risk of being abused or even raped. Refugees don’t get a chance to get out of this situation and develop their talents to become employable.
STC wants to intervene! Together with the Greek local NGO Eurorelief and other partners we want to address this social concern. There are tangible things that we can do, like sending volunteers to the camp to build more facilities and give trauma help to the refugees, but also by making the world more aware of this terrible situation by spreading new narratives. Together we can make a change for those people in need.
For more information, see the reportage of BBC news – The worst refugee camp on earth
or send an e-mail to Fianne van Kuppenveld: fianne@servethecity.es