MasterClass Review: Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Locally and Globally

On Monday, 13 May we had the first MasterClass of this month on the topic of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking.

Ali Ussery and Kevin Hyland shared their expertise with us from their perspectives as North Wales Anti-Slavery Network Coordinator (Ali) and Anti-Slavery Commisioner for the UK and the UN (Kevin).

Kevin spoke enthusiastically about how well-positioned Serve the City is to make a global impact on the eradication of slavery and trafficking in our lifetime. He also spoke about how critical cities are to this effort. Ali told us about a Slave-Free City initiative that she is participating in.

With participants from 8 different cities, we spoke about addressing this social issue in all of our cities together. We want to create a cross-city network that can support each other and exchange knowledge on the topic.

We decided, based on Ali’s experience, to develop a model we are calling Local Anti Slavery and Trafficking (LAST) Network that can be implemented in each of our cities.

If you didn’t attend the MasterClass but are interested in human trafficking and how to confront this in your city, please send an e-mail to Fianne van Kuppenveld:

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