Serve the City International’s response to COVID-19
A letter from our founder, Carlton Deal.
Kindness can not be cancelled
Relationships will not be cancelled
Humility will not be cancelled
Compassion will not be cancelled
Respect will not be cancelled
Courage will not be cancelled
Love will not be cancelled
Hope will not be cancelled
Serve the City continues to serve in safe & creative ways for those in need in our communities during this time!
Now more than ever, we need a serving revolution, sign your city up to participate in the Global Volunteer Day – 9th of May, be creative, be safe, and #SpreadKindness!
In addition to the best practices and ideas above, please refer to this list of resources for the most up to date, official, and accurate information regarding this dynamic situation affecting the world.
- STCi suggested projects that individuals, volunteers by video, and small groups can do.
- Webinars and training for volunteering during a pandemic from the International Association for Volunteer Effort.
- Thursday, 2nd April @ 09:00 EDT (GMT -5) – “A conversation with front-line volunteer leaders in asia”
- To be determined – “How youth can respond to the coronavirus crisis”
- Recording available – “The safety and health of volunteers”
- Recording available – “Managing virtual volunteers during a pandemic”
- Volunteer Ireland provides a number of resources for volunteers.
- Volunteer Engagement during a pandemic from Volunteer Strategies
- Country by country impacts from from WorldOMeter
- World Health Organization’s COVID-19 information page
Other resources will be added as they are brought to our attention.