We are so glad to be initiating conversations, learning from experts, getting to each other, and elaborating on ideas around the subject of Shared Social Concerns (SSC).

We want to go even further! We would like to offer you continuous opportunities to learn, talk, and connect. Therefore, we are organising our third Shared Social Concerns Night on the 24th of November from 18:00 to 19:30 CET.

During the one and half hours on Tuesday, we will have a discussion with the attendees on what they can do – on both the local and the international level – to cross the line and help the people affected by the issues our Shared Social Concerns address. This involves discussing how to build a bridge from knowing people by their needs to knowing them by name (building relationships).

We have prepared a little program with the team, but the call will be rather spontaneous in the sense that we need to see what people are interested in. Very likely, we’ll use some of our time to split up into breakout rooms and talk separately about each of the SSCs.
We will also be announcing our upcoming events and goals for 2021!All of this is very exciting, very serious, and very urgent content.

We genuinely hope that you’ll join us and continue the conversation!
Thank You,Carlton Deal, Hazel Lincy Ebenezer, and Fianne van Kuppenveld

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