So you think you want to start Serve the City in your city? This course is for potential City Leaders who wish to start Serve the City in their own city or country. The intent of this course is to assess a fit for the City Leader with the vision, values, and basic methodology of Serve the City, and to give them the opportunity to envision what it might look like in their city and culture. We have a five-week online course for those that believe they are ready to dive in and become city leaders. This is an interactive learning cohort that includes coaching and sharing with your classmates.
Watch the video to learn more.
Learn more about the course by following this link, then register below or on the STC Academy page.
After you register be sure to put the 15th of February on your calendar to join one of two calls, one at 12:00 CET (zoom link coming soon) or another at 18:00 CET for the Interest Course Kickoff Zoom meeting, which will happen during our 3rd Monday All City Call – you can join the meeting here.
If you simply want to learn more about Serve the City, and how it could look in your city, check out the “How do I start” page and simply email to ask questions and learn more.