Serve the City International’s Shared Social Concerns Team invites you to our Masterclass on Refugees, taking place on Tuesday, 29th June from 19.00 to 20.30 CET.

While focusing on translating knowledge into action, this Masterclass will discuss the emotional and mental needs of refugees – and how volunteers can begin to address these needs.

We all know that the most visible needs of refugees are food, shelter, and a safe country to call home. However, many refugees carry mental trauma with them because of all the things they experienced in their homeland and on their journey. As we serve refugees, how can we address their mental and emotional needs, as well as the physical?


The speakers for the event include:

Martha van den Herik: with volunteering experience at Camp Moria, Lesbos
Matt Willingham: with volunteering experience at a refugee camp in Iraq
Register here to join the Masterclass.

This workshop is open to anyone in our network

Please reach out to if you have any questions.

If you are unable to attend or the class reaches its maximum capacity, Masterclasses are recorded and available to STC leaders and core team members of any city on the STC Academy within a few weeks of the class.

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