February 2015

Serve the City Ireland Hosts Regional Forum

Serve the City Ireland had its first regional forum on 17January.  Representatives from Dublin, Galway and Limerick attended, and plans are to expand the forum later this year to include Serve the City leaders from the UK, who could not attend this time around. Serve the City Ireland was one of the first Serve the City projects launched in 2006 after the movement began in Brussels in 2005.

Serve the City Dublin also kicked off a partnership with eBay and PayPal this week, launching a year of volunteering together to serve the marginalized and vulnerable of Dublin.

Serve the City Maastricht Launches on 7 February

Serve the City Maastricht kicks off their first day of projects on Saturday, 7 February.  Projects include building an adventure trail for children, creating an insect hotel in a school garden, cleaning the neighborhood, and doing small tasks for neighbors. We wish the Maastricht team well as they head out to serve their city!

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