Kenya Flooding Emergency


Widespread flooding caused by torrential downpours have been flooding urban areas of Kenya since the middle of April. Our trusted STC team in Nairobi, Eldoret, and Kisumu are responding with care and practical needs. Hundreds of people have lost their lives and thousands of homes have been destroyed, the threat of more loss continues at this moment. [8 May, 2024]

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Fundraising Goal: €1,000 Euros for STC Kenya

WHAT is happening?

The east Africa nation of Kenya and surrounding areas have been under extremely heavy rainfalls since mid April. The Government Spokesman Isaac Mwaura said Sunday (May. 5) that more than 223,000 people have been affected by the floods. Authorities continue to enforce the evacuation order that was issued on May 2nd. In Nairobi County alone, 163,210 residents have been evacuated from riparian areas as the government arranged alternative accommodation. This figure accounts for "forcible or voluntary" evacuations. Source: By Rédaction Africanews and AP

What are STC Kenya doing?

STC Kenya are helping people in rescue centers across the nation. This includes two centers in Kisumu, three in Nairobi and one in Naivasha Mai Mahiu. They are providing one on one care as well as distributing food, blankets, clothes, and hygiene packs.

HOW you can help?

Your donations will provide....

Emergency Food Distribution

Clean Water Provision

Hygiene Kit Distribution

Help and assistance to displaced people

WHO are STC Kenya?

The various Serve the City teams across Kenya have been doing practical projects in education, tutoring, working in slums and much more for nearly five years. 

Learn More about STC Kenya


Widespread flooding caused by torrential downpours have been flooding urban areas of Kenya since the middle of April. Our trusted STC team in Nairobi, Eldoret, and Kisumu are responding with care and practical needs. Hundreds of people have lost their lives and thousands of homes have been destroyed, the threat of more loss continues at this moment. [8 May, 2024]
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