The Board of Directors

The STCi Board of Directors (also known as “The BoD”) is composed of seven members. They each provide expertise in a number of areas and are selected from among partners, city leaders, and friends of Serve the City.
Together they provide governance, oversight, legal, and accountability for the STCi international non-profit entity. The BoD is one of three bodies within the STC International Leadership Team (ILT).

Meet the Board of Directors

  • Alfredo Abreu
    Alfredo Abreu Board Chair

    Alfredo has served on the board since its inception and has been a crucial player  in the strategic vision and overall development of Serve the City International over the years. He has extensive experience helping refugees, the homeless and the vulnerable. Alfredo lives in Portugal where he is also the Director of STC Lisbon.

  • Corlea Human
    Corlea Human Vice-Chair

    Corlea has a wealth of experience in sustainable solutions for the alleviation of poverty and spent many years working with vulnerable communities in South Africa. Her work on the board includes strategic planning and the development of the STCi family. She also co-leads the STC Africa Network.

  • David Anderson
    David Anderson Board Treasurer

    David’s  leadership skills coupled with his professional business development insights bring a unique combination of skills to the Board.  He managed volunteering projects with STC Brussels for several years, and he has also assisted STC with strategic goals, outcomes, and coaching.

  • Leontine Mastenbroek
    Leontine Mastenbroek Board Member

    Originally from the Netherlands, Leontine brings valuable management and administrative insight to STCi both from her professional experience working in a regional foundation and from her experience volunteering with STC Dublin, where she now lives.

  • Hazel Lincy
    Hazel Lincy Secretary

    Hazel is the founder of Serve the City Goa, and Network Coordinator for India. She serves on the STCi Communications and Shared Social Concerns teams, and she was also on the STC Brussels core team when she lived in Belgium. Hazel now resides in India and she is currently studying for her Ph.D. in Human Rights Law.

  • Marc Koquillon
    Marc Koquillon Board Member

    Based in Port-au-Prince, Marc is both the National Director of Serve the City Haiti, and the STCi Network Coordinator for the Caribbean. His work empowers communities and people in need through training, education and leadership development skills.  Marc holds a Masters in International Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid.

  • Rasmus Koefoed-Jespersen
    Rasmus Koefoed-Jespersen Vice-Chair

    Rasmus is a leader in strategic design and human-centric innovation.  Based in London, Rasmus brings together creativity, motivation and ideas from across the STCi network. Rasmus, who is originally from Denmark, began his time with STC volunteering in Brussels and then went on to found STC Luxembourg.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is responsible for governance, oversight, legal, and accountability of the STC international non-profit entity.

Global Executive Team

The Global Executive Team is responsible for vision, direction, development and care across the STC network of cities.

Global Operations Team

The Global Operations Team is responsible for resources, systems, support, and assistance to STC City leaders and teams.

Alfredo Abreu

Board Chair

Alfredo lives in Lisbon, Portugal, and is also the Director of Serve the City Lisbon. Alfredo has served on the board since its inception and has been crucial in the development of Serve the City International for many years.

Corlea Human

Corlea spent many years working in KwaDukuza, South Africa. She also co-leads the Serve the City network for Africa to help develop STC in African cities. Her work on the STCi board includes developing the family aspect, strategic planning, and more.

Leontine Mastenbroek

Leontine is from the Netherlands and lives in Dublin, Ireland, where she has volunteered with Serve the City Dublin. Leontine has a heart for seeing other people flourish and has been involved in the Serve the City International Family & Prayer team from its inception. She also works with the Global Executive Team to help make our STC values a reality.

Hazel Lincy

Hazel is the founder of Serve the City Goa, India, and the STCi Network Coordinator for India. She serves on the STCi Communications and Shared Social Concerns teams. Hazel is currently studying for her Ph.D. in human rights law.

Marc Koquillon

Marc is the Director of Serve the City Haiti.  Based in Port au Prince, his desire to serve people in need and communities led him to launch STC Haiti in 2014.  Marc subsequently joined the Serve the City International Executive Team as a Network Coordinator for the Caribbean in 2015.  Marc is a big fan of football and is an avid reader. He is passionate about spending time with his family and having fun together with friends.

Rasmus Koefoed-Jespersen

Rasmus is a leader in strategic design and his main function on the STCi board is to help coordinate and pull together the creative, motivational, and ideas from across the STCi network. Rasmus, who is originally from Denmark, began his time with STC in Brussels, before going on to found STC Luxembourg.  Rasmus now lives in London.

David Anderson

Based in the USA, David is part of the STCi Global Executive Team where he helps with our organisational goals, outcomes, and coaching.  He is also the STCi  Board Treasurer. David led volunteer projects with STC Brussels for a number of years before returning to the United States. His years of experience in both the volunteering sector and the corporate world provide a unique combination of skills to the board.

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